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shoe spray 9698/3 125 ml add in




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shoe spray 9698/3 125 ml add in
Uvex nano shoe add in shoe disinfection against foot odor and athlete's foot - how it works: - The uvex nano shoe add in shoe deodorant uses a specially developed technology for the controlled release of active ingredients with a continuous long-term effect: antimicrobial and fungicidal active ingredients are built into the shoe disinfection in such a way that bacteria and fungi are actively and permanently eliminated. This know-how comes from chemical nanotechnology, but without the use of nanoparticles: In shoe disinfection, only approved active ingredients are used that have also been used in cosmetics for years (formaldehyde-free, phenol-free). - Effect: - Odor prevention: used regularly in new shoes, prevented The uvex nano shoe add in shoe deodorant stops odors from forming right from the start. Unlike deodorants, which simply cover up the smell of sweat, the cause of the odor is combated here: bacteria. - Continuous odor control: Shoes that have already been worn become odorless again by using the shoe deodorant : Thread fungi or yeast fungi are among the most common causes of skin diseases on the foot (athlete's foot). The uvex nano shoe add in shoe deodorant kills existing fungi and prevents them from forming again. - Application: - Can be used for all shoe inner surfaces - Inside the shoe in the fresh air with the uvex nano shoe add in Schuhdeoei spray (approx. 5-10 strokes), the shoes can be worn after approx. 15 minutes of drying - Recommended first treatment for heavily used shoes: three applications per week - Regular use prevents permanent odor and fungus development - Item no. 9698.300- content 125 ml
Minimum Quantity: 1
Content Unit: 1
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Size 125 ml
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Standard Keine Angabe